Friday, June 1, 2007

Feng Shui and Toilets

Many people are concerned regarding one particular area that is present in any house or property - the toilet. Many are worried that their washrooms may be emitting 'Sha Qi', or unknowingly 'flushing away their own wealth'. These worries are no laughing matter and now is the time to straighten things out as far as toilet Feng Shui is concerned.
A long time ago, toilets were regarded with vile and disgust. This is understandable as sanitation technology was still primitive then. Underground piping and sewage had not been yet discovered. Consequently toilets were situated far away from the living area of the house. Today however, the opposite holds true for toilets - they are built-in together inside the house. Thanks to the modern sewage system.
But it seems that the taboo of toilets still lingers in our minds. Is a built-in toilet bad for health and wealth? Firstly, if a toilet is left dirty and unsanitary, obviously it becomes a breeding haven for bacteria. It is only a matter of time before one falls sick because of this. Is it fair to attribute this to Feng Shui?
The arrival of toilet-flushing technology also causes some new worries - will flushing the toilet drain away wealth prospects? This perhaps stems from the earlier misconception that water represents 'wealth'. While water governs 'wealth aspects', the element itself does not directly represent 'money'. So flushing the toilet is not equivalent to flushing away money.
The more Feng Shui savvy may ask, "What if the 'wealth star' is located inside the toilet? Wouldn't that be flushing it away then?"
A 'wealth star' located inside a toilet becomes a problem not because of the toilet itself, but because we are unable to spend enough time in the toilet to be influenced by 'wealth Qi'. You see, in order for any kind of Qi (whether good or bad Qi) to influence people, the person has to be exposed to the Qi for an extended period of time. The toilet is obviously not a feasible place to spend hours in, thus its 'wealth-generating' abilities cannot be maximised. This also applies to storerooms where there is no human interaction. That is why the three major aspects - main door, stove, and bedroom - should be located in an area with good Qi.
So what can be done if you have discovered that your 'wealth star' is in your toilet or storeroom? Firstly, don't worry - normally there is more than one usable 'wealth star' in a home. For example, if the bathroom occupies the 'Sheng Qi' sector in your house, you can still use the 'Tian Yi', 'Yan Nian', or 'Fu Wei' sectors. Not only that, you can even use the 'Sheng Qi' minor sector within your bedroom! So you don't have to worry about missing out on the good Qi - there are many ways to go about things in Feng Shui.
When it comes to toilets, the only requirement is to keep it in a hygienic condition. Hopefully this also explains why having the main door below a toilet, or sharing a common wall with a toilet, is acceptable. In Feng Shui, as long as the main door, kitchen stove, and bedroom are located in good areas, then there is already little room to worry about. Feng Shui is not about remedying every situation. The secret s to find out where the good Qi is and then aligning yourself to receive it.
By : Joey Yap

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These worries are no laughing matter and now is the time to straighten things out as far as toilet Feng Shui is concerned. feng shui master

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