No doubt Bill Gates spends an awful lot of time thinking about his windows, but, most of us don’t. Windows are such an integral part of all architecture that sometimes we hardly notice them unless our space doesn't have any. When we don't have any windows, we notice their absence immediately (and grouse about it at the water cooler). We may feel closed in without windows to provide a connection to the outside world. Here’s why windows are good feng shui:
* Windows let in light to dark places.
* Windows provide us with a view to other spaces, generally outside, but not always.
* If they open, windows give us a means to circulate fresh air into our space.
* Well designed windows add a focal point to any room.
* Windows can create moods and uplift our ch'i (energy).
Windows are made of glass and glass is equivalent to the element of Water. Many contemporary buildings have floor to ceiling walls made of glass. While this can be great at home when you want to enjoy the view from your dining area, at work you will want a solid wall behind you as you are seated at your desk.
If it's too late and you already work in an office where there is a glass wall directly behind you, you must take steps to counterbalance the "fishbowl" effect. Through use of window coverings, frosted glass, screen systems, or creative use of plants, you can modify the wall of glass to strengthen your position and make working a lot easier.
If we leave windowless walls barren of any decoration, the feng shui can feel very stagnant. Sometimes we need to add the look and feel of a window where there is none. Mirrors are good substitutes. They reflect light and views from existing windows or create the illusion of doubling the size of a space. Well chosen art pieces can also be used to give the same benefits of having a window. Artwork can give you the feeling of having a “view” and elevates your mood. That’s good feng shui!
by: Katy Allgeyer
1 comment:
We may feel closed in without windows to provide a connection to the outside world. Here’s why windows are good feng shui:
* Windows let in light to dark places. fengshui
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