Friday, June 15, 2007

Mirrors and Feng Shui

In the world of Feng Shui there is a lot of talk about mirrors. Some say they can be used to send back bad energy. Others say they can be used to bring in good energy. And then others tell us we can use them to double or even triple our customers walking in the door. There are countless other mirror ‘remedies’ such as putting a mirror under your bed if you sleep in a room over the garage, or placing a mirror in such a way to complete a ‘missing corner’ or to keep toilet sha from entering your sleeping area. Well, we don’t have enough room in this column to explore all of it so I will give you the benefit of my years of experience working with mirrors.Mirrors in bedrooms more often than not create sleeping problems. They cause the qi to bounce around (think of geometry) and become too active for such a yin space. Qi moves on its own accord and when you give it something as reflective as a mirror as well as round objects then it will bounce and spin much like a ball set in motion on a pool table.Mirrors do give the illusion of more space. If a mirror is placed on a wall that is opposite a window that has beautiful flowers or lovely scenery outside, then you have a reflection of that beauty inside. However, if the area on the other side of the wall on which the mirror is hanging is full of clutter then you may have that energy coming through the back of the mirror as well, so the beauty is then diminished. Also, it is important to know what kind of qi is in the wall. Think of it this way, if you like chocolate and you are given chocolate then you are happy about it. If you don’t like chocolate and you are given chocolate then you will be unhappy about it. When you are unhappy, it’s probably that others around you will become unhappy too. So it is a good idea to find out what kind of qi is in the mirrored wall and how well it likes the reflection being brought to it. There is some qi that has a very negative reaction to red roses or a green lawn, while there is other qi that loves the red roses or green lawn. One rule of thumb in feng shui is that when the qi is happy, the people are happy. Yup, it’s just that simple.Mirrors can help move good qi around to other spaces in your home. Back to the ball on the pool table example – if you have really good qi coming in a door you can place a mirror so that it sends the qi to other parts of the house. Slow moving fans are good to help with this, too, as is color and use of pathways.I have experimented with ba gua mirrors for years under many diverse conditions. I have found that placing ba gua mirrors to ward of bad energy coming from a neighbor is more likely to cause problems than cure them. If you have a sharp pointing roof coming to your home it may not be as bad as you think. If it is doing harm then there are ways of landscaping or ornaments that can diffuse the qi. Another rule of thumb in feng shui is to consider how to use the qi rather than trying to suppress it or send it away.In the old days mirrors were really highly polished metal pieces. Today we have glass with silver on the back. The silver wears away over time leaving the mirrors less clear than when they were new. It is said that the image and some energy of every person that passes by or looks into the mirror is held in the silver backing. Fact or superstition? I don’t know for sure. I do know that after removing old mirrors from my home and replacing them with new ones I experienced an instant relief. ‘Clearing’ mirrors in public places such as department stores and hair salons has helped impact the well being and happiness of people working in those places. I have actually seen the mood of customers become happier after the mirrors were cleared.

by: Judy Adler-Morris

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Face Reading - Part 1

"Your face, my thane, is as a book where Men may read strange matters."--William Shakespeare, "Macbeth"Human beings possess three bodies. First, there is the physical body, which you can see and is tangible. It is solid and has a shape, a color and a texture. The second and third bodies are the mental and the spiritual which are intangible and merge with the physical body. Our true nature begins to take on a physical form in our face. It is where our emotions and our state of health are first revealed. And, as Shakespeare pointed out in his play Macbeth: "There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face."For the face is truly an opened book. For thousands of years, the ancient sages wondered if our facial features could determine our fate or personality. They began to compile individual studies, one feature at a time, to see if there was a direct correlation between facial features and specific fates. In ancient Greece, Aristotle wrote extensively on physiognomy categorizing his findings into six chapters that included physical characteristics of face, body & voice. The Classical scholars, such as Homer and Hippocrates, wrote of face reading as an ancient method of practical philosophy. In the Middle Ages physiognomy was combined with astrology and became part of the divination arts. By the 18th & 19th century it was used in Europe as a separate study of criminology where facial features were used to identify potential criminals. In the 20th century it was lost to folklore and superstition. But, face reading has reemerged in the 21st century as a guide in psychoanalysis or, as a tool for a competitive edge in the executive boardrooms of corporate America. It is no longer a parlor game. The continuous interest in face reading has given credence to an art that the Chinese have always known has been an important guide in human understanding.In China, the father of face reading is often credited to the philosopher Gui-Gu Tze, who lived during the Warring State Period (481-221 BC). His book Xiang Bian Wei Mang is still in print to this very day and is studied by serious students of physiognomy.The Chinese art of face reading is a very involved system that classifies facial features individually by judging the color, shape and disfigurements of specific areas of the face. Basically, the face is partitioned into 108 areas. Each area is a specific age & life situation and by observing the Five Elements of the productive/destructive cycle and the Taoist theories of yang & yin, it may be possible to predict events, diagnosis illnesses or to understand a person's personality.
To become proficient in face reading it is important to memorize the bagua and to understand what each trigram represents. The bagua becomes an important tool in dividing the face into seasons, body sites and specific life situations. If you look at figure #1 you can see that when you place it over a person's face the trigrams fall into their appropriate locations. Li, the South, is at the forehead; it is Fame & represents fire. We can be assured that if the forehead is auspicious recognition will come our way. The center of the face is the Tai Chi. A black mole on the bridge of the nose spells disaster since water (black) weakens the Earth. The chin is Kan, which is water on the bagua and if the color red (fire) appears here an illness to our urinary tract or related organs may occur. A blemish in schun could mean a chronic illness that reoccurs in late spring or that a financial problem might be burdening you. A scar at the right temple (Kun) may indicate that a close relationship has suffered.We now measure the face into the Three Stages of the Chinese trinity of Heaven, Man and Earth. The First Stage, which is Heaven, starts at the hairline down to the eyebrows. This represents our childhood. The Second Stage, which is traditionally known as Man, starts at the brow and ends at the area just below the nose tip. This is our middle years. From the nose tip to the bottom of the chin is our old age or the Third Stage and it is called Earth. It is important that the distance between each Stage is even in length. If one Stage is 1/3 less in size then life could be difficult at that particular period of life. A short, narrow forehead may indicate an unhappy childhood. A large forehead may tell us this person will come into society early. The Second Stage announces: "This is my life!" If it is open or has a happy feeling then this person may have, thus far, a good life. But, a short Third Stage may reveal a short life contrary to a long chin, which indicates a long life.There are Four Turning Points of Life on the face. They are called Gates. The first Gate is between the eyebrows or the Third Eye and it is the age 41. The second Gate is located just under the tip of the nose and it is the age 51. The third Gate is right under the lower lip and it is the age 61. And, the last Gate is at the bottom of the chin and it is the age 71. These Gates are considered a "critical age" and that any scars, lines, inauspicious moles or blemishes here may predict difficulties around that age.The Chinese also use the shapes and characteristics of the Five Elements to further describe a personality. A Fire face will be pointy like a triangle. For example, high, prominent cheekbones. They could be quick-tempered. A Wood face is long, rectangular in shape. They could be stubborn. A Water face is soft & round and may posses a long jawline. They can be flexible. Whereas, an Earth face is thick and they may be generous. And, a Metal face is square, especially the jaw & forehead. They can be self-indulgent.The ancient Chinese also made a distinction between what was considered fortunate or unfortunate for either a female or a male. In order to keep harmony in a marriage what may be desirable on a man was not desired on a woman. For example, high prominent cheekbones and a very high forehead on a woman would not make a desirable mate. That's because high cheekbones indicate aggression & competitiveness and a very high forehead is power. The ancient sages felt it was best that only the man wore the pants in a household. But, a look through any fashion magazine can tell you that in modern times high cheekbones are considered attractive, as well as, a prerequisite for any aspiring fashion model or actress. But, if you think about it you'd have to be aggressive and competitive in a profession like that.In Chinese face reading, we also have The Twelve Houses. These are 12 points on the face representing various life situations from the First House of Fate, positioned between the eyebrows, to the Second House of Siblings (eyebrows) to the 4th House of Children (under the eyes) and so on.Below is a brief summation of auspicious and inauspicious qualities of some facial features: A summary of the ears:Auspicious: Above the eyebrow level; long earlobes; flat against head; wide door.Inauspicious: Small earlobes; leaning forward; narrow door.A summary of the eyebrows:Auspicious: Dark, thick, long; smooth and orderly; high above eyes.Inauspicious: Sparse, thin, pale, short; chaotic; close to eyes.A summary of the nose:Auspicious: High, straight bridge; big, round tip; full, fleshy wings; invisible nostrils.Inauspicious: Low, crooked, hooked or bumpy bridge; pointed or upturned tip; thin wings; visible nostrils.A summary of the mouth:Auspicious: Rosy colored; thick, broad squared shape; symmetrically balanced; lips closed.Inauspicious: White, dark colored; thin; a small shape; symmetrically unbalanced; lips opened.A summary of the chin:Auspicious: Full, fleshy, broad & long.Inauspicious: Thin, short, pointed or receded, dimpled or broken.A summary of the eyes:Auspicious: Large size; wide-set; dark pupils with silvery whites.Inauspicious: Small; close-set; small pupils and discolored whites. Face reading is a subjective art and therefore it is as reliable as the person who is doing the interpretation. But that is what makes art an art. Now that we have a basic feel for physiognomy we can look at some famous faces & see if we can get to know them better.
by: Anthea Appel

Face Reading - Part 2

Besides his handsome good looks, there are other signs in Russell Crowe’s face that could have predicted his success. As we divide his face into the Three Stages, we see his high board forehead as an indication of a good childhood. His forehead is long & wide which indicates intelligence & a good imagination. A shiny forehead tells us he is destined for success & recognition. The eyebrows, which represent siblings, are straight & orderly and this says that his relationship with them is good. However, his brows are set quite close to his eyes, which reveal his impatience for others, even for the slightest offense.The First Gate, the area between his brows, is auspiciously wide but is marred by a mole. This could indicate some difficulties in life, especially around the age of 41. His attractively fleshy, plump nose tip gives him a warm & friendly spirit.Russell’s long chin means a good life in his old age, but the slight dimple may indicate a strained close relationship later in life. His ears are close to his head and are positioned above his eyebrows. This is a favorable position for the ears, for he will be well respected and have a high social status early in his life. Russell’s eyes are elliptical and the upper eyelid is angled down towards the outer corner of his eyes. This eye shape indicates charm & jealousy and a craving for affection and attention that makes it difficult for friends, lovers and spouses to satisfy.His low, round cheekbones suggest that he is neither highly competitive nor overly aggressive, especially since moles mar them. In spite of his reputation for bar-brawling and being hot tempered, I see instead a man who has the capacity for endurance and quiet resistance, who can wear down his strongest adversary with subtle tactics. Russell’s bow shaped lips, created by the low dipping “point of refinement”on the upper lip, indicates an imaginative, caring & sensitive lover. But, outside the bedroom he may be timid and touchy. Also, this rose bud shape in the middle of the upper lip often means that should he marry he’ll have a deep love for his spouse.

In a recent woman’s magazine, I read that Angelina Jolie’s full-pouting lips are the most requested shape of mouth that women are asking their plastic surgeons to give them. And, no wonder, for thick lips express honesty, loyalty and friendliness. People with thick lips enjoy delicious food, but may have poor “taste” in general. Other inauspicious qualities are, surrendering too much to their emotions and excessive sexual indulgences (but, that may be the reason we find thick lips sexy, yes?).Angelina’s mouth tells me she is very demanding of the affections from others. Her sexual appetite is also very strong. However, the top lip is shorter than the bottom, which says that she can reach sexual satisfaction before her partner. On the positive side, her lips indicate good health, intelligence, lasting friendships and a rewarding life in her old age.I’ve noticed that Angelina’s eyebrows are not asymmetrical (eyebrow pencil aside). Since the eyebrows represent siblings it may mean she has stepsiblings (half brothers/sisters). Eyebrows that don’t match often suggest one’s parents are separated or there’s a fluctuation in the family life. Personality wise, it can also indicate moodiness. Her eyebrows are arched high above her eyes which makes her very tolerant of others, as well as, patient & easy going. She makes friends easily & keeps them forever.And then there are those high cheekbones and large eyes, which from an Asian point of view indicate a strong desire to compete while large eyes make her extroverted and outspoken. A woman’s nose is called the “Husband’s Star” (for a man it is the 5th House of Wealth). Her nose has a round nose tip & a straight bridge that is not too high which traditionally secures a loving husband. But, her visible nostrils say that she is a not good with money.Face reading can be quite challenging and insightful. It can help you to better understand the people around you. First impressions will have a new meaning to you when you find yourself accurately predicting personalities, future events or possible health problems.
by Anthea Appel

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Fun Ways to Celebrate Chinese New Years

Chinese New Years is about friends and families. Even if you're not Chinese, you can still enjoy the festivities of this holiday. Here are some neat ideas that you can do with your friends and loved one during this weekend to enjoy Chinese New Years! Throw a Pot Luck DinnerThis is probably the simplest way and excuse to get everyone together. Chinese New Years is all about food! Lots and lots of food! So throw a pot luck dinner. Have everyone that comes bring a dish, be it their favorite Chinese or American dish.If you're into themes, give them some topics to select from and let your guests try to pick what each person's theme was. Some ideas on themes:
Something red. Red is the color of luck in the Chinese culture
Something with eggs. Eggs are the symbol of fertility and birth.
Something green. This is the spring festival, the celebration of the coming of a new season of growth.
Something related to fish. The word for fish sounds a lot like the word for luck in Chinese.
Something round. The circle is a perfectly balanced shape, no end, no beginning, complete.
Something sweet. Everyone's favorite, this is a way to wish everyone a sweet and easy new year.Dumpling cooking partyOne of my favorite memories as a child during this time of year is the dumpling making marathons that my family would go through. We'd all sit around the table, from youngsters to grandparents, and make dumplings. Dumplings are very simple to put together and you can be as creative as you like. Simple get some ground meat and the dumpling wraps. Put a small spoonful of meat in the middle and then crimp the edges together.Dumplings are great to serve around this time because the Chinese believed they looked like little money purses. So by making and eating dumplings, you are wishing for a prosperous year.If dumplings aren't your thing, make this an excuse to make anything together: meatballs, egg rolls, cookies, whatever catches your fancy!Exchange cardsJust like the western Christmas, this is a time to give gifts. Most of the time the gifts come in red envelops with money inside. Money is often exchanged from adults to children or to their elderly, non-working elders.Of course, you don't need to exchange money to still give people red envelopes. As with most holidays, the card industry has picked up on the idea of celebrating this holiday and there are some wonderful Chinese New Years cards that can be found. There are a variety of online websites where you can send e-Cards to people. And you can always make cards for your friends just by making sure you include red paper.One of the most comical parts about Chinese New Years occurs during the lantern festival at the end. During this time people make up poems and riddles to exchange and solve with one another. Have everyone make up a few and get everyone to try to guess what you're trying to say!Arts and crafts!With almost any Chinese holiday is the opportunity for arts and crafts. In this holiday, there are many arts and crafts projects you can pick up and enjoy:
Decorate some lamp shades. This is a new twist to an old idea. Purchase some flat lamp shades, the type you might find either on small desk lamps or in candle shops. Decorate them with bright colors, especially golds and reds.
Make dragon masks. The story of Chinese New Years talks about scaring away the demon Nian with loud noises and masks. Make masks either free-hand or find images of dragons and decorate them.
Celebrate the year's animal. Each year is represented by one of 12 animals. Find some excuse to decorate and celebrate that year's animal through art - be it paintings, portraits, statues or stories.Chinese New Years is a wonderful time of the year! There are many things you can do to enjoy this season and I hope you now have some new ideas on how to share and celebrate.
by: BellaOnline

Friday, June 1, 2007

Feng Shui and Toilets

Many people are concerned regarding one particular area that is present in any house or property - the toilet. Many are worried that their washrooms may be emitting 'Sha Qi', or unknowingly 'flushing away their own wealth'. These worries are no laughing matter and now is the time to straighten things out as far as toilet Feng Shui is concerned.
A long time ago, toilets were regarded with vile and disgust. This is understandable as sanitation technology was still primitive then. Underground piping and sewage had not been yet discovered. Consequently toilets were situated far away from the living area of the house. Today however, the opposite holds true for toilets - they are built-in together inside the house. Thanks to the modern sewage system.
But it seems that the taboo of toilets still lingers in our minds. Is a built-in toilet bad for health and wealth? Firstly, if a toilet is left dirty and unsanitary, obviously it becomes a breeding haven for bacteria. It is only a matter of time before one falls sick because of this. Is it fair to attribute this to Feng Shui?
The arrival of toilet-flushing technology also causes some new worries - will flushing the toilet drain away wealth prospects? This perhaps stems from the earlier misconception that water represents 'wealth'. While water governs 'wealth aspects', the element itself does not directly represent 'money'. So flushing the toilet is not equivalent to flushing away money.
The more Feng Shui savvy may ask, "What if the 'wealth star' is located inside the toilet? Wouldn't that be flushing it away then?"
A 'wealth star' located inside a toilet becomes a problem not because of the toilet itself, but because we are unable to spend enough time in the toilet to be influenced by 'wealth Qi'. You see, in order for any kind of Qi (whether good or bad Qi) to influence people, the person has to be exposed to the Qi for an extended period of time. The toilet is obviously not a feasible place to spend hours in, thus its 'wealth-generating' abilities cannot be maximised. This also applies to storerooms where there is no human interaction. That is why the three major aspects - main door, stove, and bedroom - should be located in an area with good Qi.
So what can be done if you have discovered that your 'wealth star' is in your toilet or storeroom? Firstly, don't worry - normally there is more than one usable 'wealth star' in a home. For example, if the bathroom occupies the 'Sheng Qi' sector in your house, you can still use the 'Tian Yi', 'Yan Nian', or 'Fu Wei' sectors. Not only that, you can even use the 'Sheng Qi' minor sector within your bedroom! So you don't have to worry about missing out on the good Qi - there are many ways to go about things in Feng Shui.
When it comes to toilets, the only requirement is to keep it in a hygienic condition. Hopefully this also explains why having the main door below a toilet, or sharing a common wall with a toilet, is acceptable. In Feng Shui, as long as the main door, kitchen stove, and bedroom are located in good areas, then there is already little room to worry about. Feng Shui is not about remedying every situation. The secret s to find out where the good Qi is and then aligning yourself to receive it.
By : Joey Yap

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Feng Shui Tips For Health

Identify your Heavenly Doctor location first of all by making use of your Gua number. For good health, sleep with your head directed towards the Heavenly Doctor location (when you are prone on the bed, your head should be pointing towards this location – not your feet!). If you sleep with your spouse or partner and you’re not sure on how to proceed, no worries. The both of you should then sleep accordingly following the main breadwinner’s Heavenly Doctor location.

If this is not possible for you, the next best thing is to simply sleep with your head pointing towards your other two auspicious directions according to your Gua number.

Now that’s done, the battle’s already half won! The next step to Feng Shui your way to a better health is to utilize metal cures. Metal cures are really just Feng Shui items with metal make. What makes these pieces so precious are their potent power in weakening the dreaded malignant stars #2 Black and #5 Yellow. The #2 Black star is also known as the Sickness star, whereas the #5 Yellow is the Accident star. And as such, you can see that they aren’t conducive to a healthy you.

Choose metal cures with health-related properties – such as Wu Lous, or gourds – to increase your health factor and place them in your Southeast and West location of the home for year 2006.

How about making use of gemstones for some crystal healing? The jade crystal has long been touted as the stone to turn to for health crises. The jade stone, fresh and effervescent, is reputed to be a cure for all types of ills and pains. We like this crystal because it’s a beautiful Oriental- themed item suitable for sprucing up the home and its health-rich benefits are indispensable for the health-conscious among us!

Jade items in the shape of the tortoise, Chinese coins and even wu lous are very auspicious to have, since the marriage between the jade and a health-rich Feng Shui item is a double-plus for your health. Place these items close to you in the bedroom or around your office space.

Having your feet planted in the direction of your bedroom door while you sleep the night away is not very auspicious for you, since this connotes to you being ‘carried’ away to the netherworld. Simply reposition your bed to avoid this, or place a screen between the bed and the door. Remember that in Feng Shui, the rule of thumb is out of sight, out of mind.

Mirrors in the bedroom are perfectly fine during the day, but come nighttime, it’s not very auspicious for you if you can see yourself in the mirror lying down. No, you don’t need to throw out your beloved dressing mirror just yet! Just simply cover it up with a piece of cloth at night. You can take it off as soon as you wake up in the morning.

And last but not least, keeping a close eye on what you eat and drink, as well as augmenting your day with at least some type of exercise regimen is also important in maintaining good health. All the Feng Shui in the world will not save you if you won’t help yourself first! Remember that your own actions in this lifetime is called Man Luck, and makes up a big percentage of your life path potential as well. Make an effort to keep fit, and stock up on green veggies and fresh fruit as well. Smoking and drinking excessively is not good for your body (and soul) in the long run as well, so do keep this in mind.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007



If anyone needs good Feng Shui luck, it has to be gamblers. Especially if you're a serious gambler.

So here are a few tips gamblers can put to use straight away without too much hassle. Even if you are a "social" gambler, who only visits the casinos on occasion, many of these Feng Shui hints may prove useful.

Ensure that you carry along a small, red Ang Pow (Hung Pao) packet with Gold Coins inside. This is said to signify a windfall gain similar to getting an Ang Pow. These red packets are given out every Chinese New Year to the smaller children. They are also often given out to newlywed couples. Carrying the Ang Pow along with you is symbolic of the casino "giving" you money for nothing(of course you'll have to win it from them).

Face your good direction while gambling. (You will need a compass for this) While it may look a little odd when you are seen measuring each chair with a compass to ensure that you are facing your Sheng Chi, you'll have the last laugh at the table soon enough.

All you have to do is find out your Kua number based on the table below. If all these calculations seem confusing (and trust me it can be) there's a Gua Calculator on Feng Shui Times that you can use.
by: G. Nathan

Feng Shui And Apartment Living

People often ask whether or not apartments apply the same Feng Shui principles as houses. The answer is, yes. Another popular question is whether or not apartments automatically have bad Feng Shui. The answer to that is, no.

What makes apartments more challenging to enhance or correct than houses: There is no land or outside environment to remedy or control. Sometimes the most effective remedies for health and prosperity are things you do to the space just OUTSIDE your home. With an apartment, the focus has to be totally with the interiors.

There are some limits with apartment living when it comes to your neighbors. Sharing walls with people can subject you to sounds and smells that you would have an easier time separating yourself from in a house (although not necessarily!) Clients in houses have told me numerous upsetting stories about neighbor disputes from all sides.

Some ideal Feng Shui remedies involve structural changes. These too are usually limited or not allowed at all in apartment living. Sometimes it doesn t hurt to ask. When I was married and in our first apartment, we had a very dark entrance at the top of the stairs. My husband asked the landlord if he could install a skylight at our own expense and the landlord agreed. It was easy and cheap for my husband (the architect) to do, and the landlord knew it was an improvement to the property.


The front and back of any structure has to be identified before complete analysis can be made. In Feng Shui, we call the front side "facing" and the back side "sitting." This is not always obvious. In fact, most of the time, an apartment FACES its window side. The brighter, more yang side of the apartment is often looked at as the face and windows the eyes looking out.

Apartments often have less than ideal entrances. They are usually dark (coming from the building s interior hallway). In small apartments, the kitchen is sometimes the first room you see when entering. It is generally better when the kitchen is not the first room you see because of a Pavlovian effect. It is also better when a kitchen has an exterior window.

Aside from some of the things just mentioned, apartments can have just as good or better Feng Shui than a house, depending on other compensating features. Is there a lucky floor you can choose in a multi-level building? Feng Shui numerology suggests picking a floor that matches your personal Trigram. (Based on your birth date) Since I value practicality over everything, my suggestion is to be as far away as possible from the garage entry gate or the building s trash dumpster! The top floor will have the best views and this can make the same size apartment feel bigger. This is one reason why they are more expensive.


If you have heard that you should never put a fountain or an aquarium in the kitchen, this is incorrect. This misinterpretation of the elements is that the presence of water will extinguish the fire that a kitchen symbolically represents and somehow this will destroy your prosperity.

Sometimes the kitchen ends of being a good location of the house for water and it can benefit the whole house. Remember, any advice which says "always do this" or "never do that" is going to be general advice at best, and sometimes totally irrelevant to your unique space.


"When your fish die in your aquarium, it means that they absorbed something negative that would have happened to you." I doubt this! I think it means that you didn t take care of them properly.


"Don't keep books in your bedroom; they are too stimulating." This is another pseudo-FENG SHUI nonsense theory.


"Don't place your bed's headboard against a wall shared with a bathroom." This is another New-Age pseudo-FENG SHUI recommendation. Don't take seriously.

MYTH #345

"Don t have a skylight in your office as it provides a way for wealth to leak out of the room." Not true. Why would a skylight leak wealth any more than a window? Chi actually glides along all surfaces: floors, ceilings, and walls. Skylights can be great additions to spaces that would otherwise be too dark (yin). That in and of itself is counter-productive to creativity and prosperity. The preceding FENG SHUI myths came directly from a little book which was written by a well-known FENG SHUI practitioner in Southern California. It is a veritable gold mine of trash FENG SHUI and I am so grateful to the author for putting so much bad advice all in one organized book from A-Z. As I write my own book, which will expose all the fake FENG SHUI being perpetuated, I don t have to rack my brain to remember all the myths I have heard over the last ten years. This little book has helped me enormously in my research!
By: Kartar Diamond

Feng Shui for Love and Romance

Are you and your romantic partner not getting along – is there a lot of disagreement conflict when there used to be love and togetherness? Or, do you not have a romantic partner in your life but wish you could find one? Properly applying the principles of Feng Shui might be just what you need to fix that relationship or find a new one, and it might be as simple as making a few simple adjustments. Feng Shui helps with many important life goals, including career, wealth, education, etc. One of the most important, and popular, Feng Shui goals is Love and Relationship. You can use Feng Shui to find a partner or improve your existing relationship. The back right corner of any room or home is the Feng Shui Love and Relationship corner, but your bedroom is the best place to start to improve your Feng Shui Love and Relationship energy.
Examine your bedroom, especially the back right corner of your bedroom, right now and see what items are there – next to your bed, on your walls, in the corners. Is there a garbage pail there? Is that why your love life is in the garbage pail? Do you have a picture of your ex-love there? Is that why you can’t move on? Do you have a picture of your mom there? Something else that is not very romantic? Remove anything that doesn’t scream love and romance to you.

Note the color of your walls, carpet and sheets. If they are depressing, dark, or just not romantic you might want to change them, or improve them with highlights like romantic colored sheets or curtains. What are romantic Feng Shui colors you ask? Romantic Feng Shui colors are pink and peach. Use these colors liberally in your bedroom and Love and Relationship area of your home for optimal romance in your life.

In Feng Shui two of anything represents a harmonious and balanced relationship, and items that are pairs or couples bring good couple energy into your home and life. Do you have two identical nightstands on either side of your bed with identical lamps? You should. Make sure there are two pillows on your bed with matching pillow cases. Is there a picture on the wall? If there is it should be a pair or couple, not one figure, whether it’s an animal, person, or thing. There should not be a picture of a single person or animal in your bedroom because it represents isolation, the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. Your bedroom should represent to you the romantic ideal you seek. Same thing with any statues or figures – they should be matching pairs. Pairs of anything are good to have in your bedroom, especially a Feng Shui romantic cure like love candles or hearts. There should not be any pictures that are not romantic in your bedroom – no photos of children, or sad people. The ideal picture to hang on the wall in your bedroom, if you have a partner, is a photo of you and your partner, preferably a romantic photo or one that reminds you both of a happy and romantic time in your relationship.

Do you have room on either side of your bed, or do you and your partner have to squeeze into bed from the same side? Make room on both sides so you both have room to go to bed, and if you don’t have a partner there will be room for one to enter your life. You want your entire room to have the look you expect it to have when your ideal partner becomes a permanent part of your life and your bedroom. And for some extra powerful romantic energy hang a Marriage & Union Hanger in the back right corner of your bedroom. This double coin hanger represents the perfect blending of partners, and brings good luck to marriage and relationships.

by: Mark and Leslie Jacobson

Feng Shui at Work - Windows on the World

No doubt Bill Gates spends an awful lot of time thinking about his windows, but, most of us don’t. Windows are such an integral part of all architecture that sometimes we hardly notice them unless our space doesn't have any. When we don't have any windows, we notice their absence immediately (and grouse about it at the water cooler). We may feel closed in without windows to provide a connection to the outside world. Here’s why windows are good feng shui:
* Windows let in light to dark places.

* Windows provide us with a view to other spaces, generally outside, but not always.

* If they open, windows give us a means to circulate fresh air into our space.

* Well designed windows add a focal point to any room.

* Windows can create moods and uplift our ch'i (energy).

Windows are made of glass and glass is equivalent to the element of Water. Many contemporary buildings have floor to ceiling walls made of glass. While this can be great at home when you want to enjoy the view from your dining area, at work you will want a solid wall behind you as you are seated at your desk.

If it's too late and you already work in an office where there is a glass wall directly behind you, you must take steps to counterbalance the "fishbowl" effect. Through use of window coverings, frosted glass, screen systems, or creative use of plants, you can modify the wall of glass to strengthen your position and make working a lot easier.

If we leave windowless walls barren of any decoration, the feng shui can feel very stagnant. Sometimes we need to add the look and feel of a window where there is none. Mirrors are good substitutes. They reflect light and views from existing windows or create the illusion of doubling the size of a space. Well chosen art pieces can also be used to give the same benefits of having a window. Artwork can give you the feeling of having a “view” and elevates your mood. That’s good feng shui!
by: Katy Allgeyer

Feng Shui Money Tips

Do you know where your financial "power spots" are? The contemporary methods of feng shui associate prosperity issues with the back left corner of any space. Stand at your front door facing into the house; your wealth area is at the back of the house on the left-hand side. There's also a wealth area within each room: facing in from the doorway, it's the corner area in the back of the room on the left-hand side. Where are the wealth areas within your office, living room, kitchen, and bedroom? Now that you've identified your money power spots, here are some quick and easy ways to apply feng shui to these spaces:

1. Clear out any clutter from these important areas. Clutter is a sign of stagnant energy, and clutter in your money power spots can clog up your cash flow. Getting rid of clutter is one of the most powerful ways to shift the energy of your power spots into high gear.

2. Fix things that are broken. Anything that doesn't work as it should is a sign of something wrong in the area of your life that corresponds to that part of your space. Examine each of your money power spots to look for anything that needs repair. It's time to do something about that loose doorknob, non-working light switch, stuck file drawer, or clock that doesn't keep correct time, to name just a few possible examples. Remove items like these from your power spots or fix them so they work properly.

3. Enhance your power spots with symbols of prosperity, such as a bowl of coins (add your loose change to it every day), a "lucky bamboo" plant, or anything that symbolizes success and prosperity to you. There are lots of Chinese luck symbols available, but you don't have to use them unless you want to. A picture of your dream house, or a model of that luxury car you long for, is an effective money symbol because it has personal meaning for you.

4. Accent your money areas with the colors green and purple. Green symbolizes vitality and growth, and purple is the color of wealth. Place a bowl of green and purple grapes (real or artificial) in the wealth area of your kitchen, to symbolize abundance filling your home. If you use real grapes, it's okay to eat them, just add more from time to time so the grapes remain fresh and the bowl is always more than half full.

5. Pay attention to how you handle money every day. Do you keep paper money neatly sorted in your wallet or money clip, or is it jammed in there any old way, or crumpled up at the bottom of your pocket? Clean the clutter out of your purse and wallet, and start handling your money as though you value it.

6. If you neglect your money, it will neglect you, so be sure to balance your checkbook regularly and pay your bills on time. Put your checkbook in an attractive cover (choose green, purple, red, blue, or black) and keep it in the wealth area of your desk - that's the rear left corner again -- or in the wealth area of your office.

7. Live generously. Money is a form of energy, and it needs to flow through your life, not just into it. Hoarding and scrimping work against more coming in, while giving generously within your means makes space for even greater abundance. If you don't yet have ample money to share, give as generously as you can of your time, energy, compassion, and appreciation.

8. Take a few moments every evening to think about all the good things that happened to you today and to express your gratitude for what you have received. Small things count, too, so it's okay if there's little of the spectacular on your list most of the time. It's not what happened that's important; it's getting in the habit of focusing on the positive side of things every day that matters. The more you notice, appreciate, and express gratitude for blessings received, no matter how small, the more good things will come your way, including money.

A true experience of prosperity is determined not by how much money you have, but by how well you notice and enjoy what is already present in your life. The formal name for the wealth area is "fortunate blessings" - as you de-clutter, repair, and accessorize your money power spots keep this broader meaning in mind. When you celebrate being rich in friends and family, or rich with laughter, or the richness of your spiritual life, or even being rich in air and sunshine if nothing else seems to be going well for you today, material blessings will come to you more readily as well.

by: Feng Shui Times Home
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